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The Right Balance For You

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Debt Elimination

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Budget Design

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Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach

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Financial Peace of Mind


Are you looking to make better money choices and achieve financial freedom?

I am Herb Minnichhofer, a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach, and an Enrolled Agent licensed by the IRS with five licenses covering taxation and real estate. I have an accounting degree from Golden Gate University and I have been providing income tax services and real estate consultation to individuals, families, and small businesses since 1987. In addition, I am also a licensed real estate broker in California and an accounting controller for real estate firms. My experience combined enables me to provide you a unique and long-term perspective when it comes to assisting you with your finances.

As an all around financial expert, I can help you analyze your finances, create a budget plan, handle your taxes, and take the necessary steps to reach your financial goals.

Let me help you make smarter money decisions and achieve the financial freedom you deserve.

How we can work together:

We can work together to help you reach your financial goals through our services: Tax Preparation, Personal and Business Finance Coaching, Retirement Income Generator


Tax Preparation

If you are having a hard time understanding income taxes, then our tax preparation services are for you.

You can benefit from my 30+ years of experience in income tax preparation and IRS representation. You’ll benefit with my guidance on how to navigate the complex world of taxation, while ensuring you pay the minimum amount possible as per the Internal Revenue Code. By working with a tax expert like myself, you can get the financial freedom you deserve and live a happier life.

To participate in this service, you can visit our office in California or enjoy a consultation from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.

Personal and Business Finance and Coaching

If you are looking to take control of your personal or business finances and reach your financial goals, then our finance and coaching services are for you!

With this service, you’ll get one-on-one consultations to analyze your financial situation, tailored advice, and a budget plan fit to your needs. With my assistance and motivation, you can save for emergencies, get rid of debt, save for retirement, and talk about money with friends and family without getting stressed.

For initial consultations, I offer discounted rates, but the ideal program is the three-month immersion plan.

Take the first step towards financial freedom and schedule an appointment today!

Retirement Income Generator

If you are starting or are in retirement, we will be able to help you design a plan that will provide a steady stream of income to help cover your cash expenditures.

It works by combining guaranteed payments such as Social Security, IRA/401K/Roth distributions, and other sources of income to create a pension that is tailored to your needs. This pension can be adjusted over time to ensure that your income is sufficient to cover your cash expenditures. We will also provide financial planning advice and guidance to help you make the most of your retirement savings.

For this service, we will start with an initial free 15 min consultation to ensure this service fits your needs.

If it does, we can set up a one hour virtual or in office meeting to design a retirement income generator plan that fits your needs.